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Study Resources

Teachers and other sources who have passed along the wisdom that is now being transmitted to you

My Yoga Lineage

Sri T. Krishnamacharya (Mysore & Chennai, India) – Father of Modern Yoga (Video)

TKV Desikachar (Chennai, India) – Yoga Therapy / Vinyasa Desikachar (Video)

Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor (Boulder, CO, USA) – Ashtanga-Vinyasa Yoga (Videos)

A.G and Indra Mohan (Chennai, India) – Svastha Yoga / Yoga Therapy (Videos)

Leslie Kaminoff (New York, NY, USA) – Yoga Therapy / Yoga Anatomy (Video)

Srivatsa Ramaswami (Travelling teacher) – Vinyasa Krama (Video)

B.N.S. Iyengar (Mysore, India) – Ashtanga-Vinyasa Yoga

Gregor Maehle (NSW, Australia) – Ashtanga-Vinyasa Yoga (Videos)

David Swenson (Austin, TX) – Ashtanga-Vinyasa Yoga (Videos)

Maty Ezraty (Hawaii, USA) – Ashtanga-Vinyasa & Iyengar Yoga (Video)

Annie Carpenter (North California, USA) – Smart Flow Yoga (Video | Video)

My Dhamma Teachers (Buddhism & Mindfulness)

S.N. Goenka - Vipassana Meditation

Jack Kornfield - Buddhism / Loving kindness (Audio | Podcast)

Joseph Goldstein - Insight / Vipassana (Talks | Podcast)

Alan Watts - Zen Buddhism and Eastern Philosophy

Shunryū Suzuki Roshi - Zen Buddhism

Sam Harris - Mindfulness / Dzogchen (Waking Up App | Podcast)




The Yoga Sutras - Patanjali

(a classic text on yoga written ca. 200-300 CE)

Recommended translations:

HH Aranya

E Bryant

IK Taimni

A Schepers

S Ranganatham

G Feuerstein

A Shearer

BKS Iyengar

Bhagavad Gita - Vyasa

(part of the epic Mahabharata  written ca. 200-300 BCE)

Recommended translations:

When Love Comes to Light: Bringing Wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita into Modern Life - Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor

The Bhagavadgita - S. Radhakrishnan

Hatha Yoga Pradipika - Svātmārāma

(manual on hatha yoga from the 15th century)

Recommended translations:

Swami Muktibodhananda

Hans-Ulrich Rieker

Other Related Texts

Samkhya Karika- Ishvara Krishna

Gheranda Samhita

Yogayajnavalkya Samhita - AG Mohan

Yoga Taravali - Adi Shankaracharya

Aparokṣānubhūti - Adi Shankaracharya


Health Healing and Beyond - TKV Desikachar 

Krishnamacharya - His Life and Teaching - AG Mohan

The Heart of Yoga - TKV Desikachar
The Yoga Matrix (Audio Book) - Richard Freeman

Yoga - Immortality and Freedom - Mircea Eliade

Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda


The Mirror of Yoga - Richard Freeman
Integral Yoga - Haridas Chaudhuri
The Philosophy of Classical Yoga - Georg Feuerstein

An Orientation in Indian Philosophy - Alfred Scheepers


The Art of Vinyasa - Richard Freeman & Mary Taylor

The Complete Book of Vinyasa Yoga - Srivatsa Ramaswami

Ashtanga Yoga Practice & Philosophy - Gregor Maehle

Light on Yoga - BKS Iyengar
Light on Pranayama - BKS Iyengar
Pranayama - A van Lysbeth
Mula Bandha: The Master Key - Chela Buddhananda
Yoga Rahasya - T Krishnamacharya
Awakening the Spine - Vanda Scaravelli

Yoga Anatomy
Yoga Anatomy - Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews

Functional Anatomy of Yoga - David Keil

Anatomy of Movement - Blandine Calais-Germain

Of Historical Interest
Yoga Tradition of the Mysore Palace - NE Sjoman

Other contemplative traditions

I am That - Nisargadatta Maharaj

Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind - Suzuki Roshi
The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living - Dalai Lama
The Heart of Understanding - Thich Nhat Hanh
Cutting through Spiritual Materialism - Chogyam Trungpa
Be as you Are: Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi - David Godman
Face to face with Sri Ramana Maharshi - Ramana Kendram
Eight Conversations - J. Krishnamurti
Tibetan Book of Living and Dying - Sogyal Rinpoche
Mindfulness in Plain English - Bhante Gunaratana
In the Light of the Buddha’s Teaching - S.N. Tandon
Waking Up - Sam Harris

On Having No Head - D.E. Harding




TKV Desikachar - Heart of Yoga.flv


Maty Ezraty on Ashtanga Yoga

Maty Ezraty on Ashtanga Yoga

Join Anatomy master Stu Girling as he interviews Maty Ezraty. 0:00 - Start 1:23 - Meeting Pattabhi Jois 2:21 - It's all yoga (Difference between Ashtanga & Iyengar) 3:45 - Yoga is so vast - there is really no one way 5:20 - Does using props interrupt the flow of the practice? 6:25 - Flow is a state of mind 8:07 - Benefits of merging an Iyengar practice & Ashtanga practice 9:58 - The first series (primary series) is not beginning yoga practice 10:20 - One of the mistakes in the Ashtanga world 12:29 - How would you modify the practice keeping the framework of the series 17:25 - Vipassana - Difference between Goenka tradition & Theravada meditation techniques 21:12 - Principles to understand own practice 22:18 - Brilliance of Iyengar 25:05 - How do the standing poses teach me how to do the half lotus 26:18 - Can you change the sequence ? 27:08 - No teacher knows everything 31:23 - Prerequisite for Urdhwa Dhaurasana 32:36 - It has to feel good: It has to be beneficial 33:36 - The real strength of Ashtanga 35:06 - If you have teachers who don’t want to teach alignment 36:06 - The Iyengar system 38:53 - If you are not fascinated by Trikonanasana, you have not begun to explore the possibilities 40:38 - The A-type student and Ashtanga - one of the worst combinations 41:25 - Any other postures like Trikonasana - challenge poses where a student tends to push themselves Maty speaks about her approach to Ashtanga, The differences between the Iyengar and Ashtanga tradition, The difference between the Indian and Western Mind, Vipasana and meditation techniques, How Shri Pattabhi Jois also adapted the practice for students, Differences between the mindsets of the great teachers, A mindful and individual approach to Ashtanga Yoga. Subscribe to our channel for more demonstrations, interviews, philosophy and guidance on Ashtanga Yoga Join our online Ashtanga community on Facebook For details about upcoming events with Yoga teachers like David Keil, Gretchen Suarez, Dena Kingsberg, Jack Wiseman, Mark Darby, Kino MacGregor, Tim Feldmann, Petri Raisanen, David Robson, Clayton Horton, Jeff & Harmony Litchty, Alexander Medin, Maria Boox visit Film by Nikhil Kripalani

Leslie Kaminoff


The True Origins of Yoga

The True Origins of Yoga

Lecture by Christopher Wallis, PhD. PLEASE NOTE: this is Part One of a ten-part course on The Real Story of Yoga. The other nine episodes are available on Study Online Explore over 1000 hours of Classical Tantra teachings on Tantra Illuminated Online, including guided meditations, retreats, Sanskrit and mantra recitation practices, and asana classes ► ~~~~~~~ Practise & Learn in Community Deepen your practice by joining Christopher at workshops and retreats, available both in-person and online ► ~~~~~~~ Read Christopher’s Books Discover the newly released 'Near Enemies of the Truth' ► Alongside the foundational 'Tantra Illuminated' ► And 'The Recognition Sutras' ► ~~~~~~~ Stay Connected Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to hear about upcoming events, pilgrimages, and newly released courses ► ~~~~~~~ Explore the Blog Over 150 free articles offering comprehensive translations and insightful explanations of Tantrik scriptures and teachings ► Engage with a global community passionate about non-duality, the nature of reality, and liberation at ► #yoga #nonduality #awakening #natureofreality #sanskrit #consciousness #awareness #meditation #guidedmeditation #tantra #tantrasadhana #classicaltantra #liberation


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