Breath Centered Yoga

Daily Practice Videos
Free videos of short yoga practices, that you can do at home as part of your daily routine
30 Day Challenge: Develop a Daily Yoga Practice
If you landed on this page you probably have some yoga experience, you might even consider yoga as something that makes you feel better. Maybe now would be a good time for you to take a step further and take a month of your life to commit to yoga on a daily basis. These videos are meant to assist you in this process of integrating yoga into your life. It takes about a 30 days of daily practice, at least, to discover whether yoga is really worth it or not. This is an experiment that has a very good chance of changing your life for the better, the only way to know for sure if it works is for you to give it a try.
The benefits of a good yoga practice are vast. It improves our physical health and wellbeing, it calms the mind and brings more peace and clarity into our lives, it makes us kinder, more compassionate and sensitive to others thus improving our relationships.
Keeping the practice consistent is very important. It is very similar to dental hygiene, if you brush your teeth only once a week, even if you do it for one hour straight very thoroughly, it will not keep your teeth healthy as much as brushing your teeth every day, even if it's just a few minutes each time. Yoga works in the same way, it is much more effective to do a shorter practice every day than a long one once in a while.
Forming a new habit requires some discipline and sticking to a certain regiment, at least in the beginning.
The first stage is committing to one month of practicing yoga 5-6 times per week.
Ideally you can join one or two weekly guided class whether in a studio or via live-streaming, and the rest of the week you can either use a video or try and do a 20-45 minute practice on your own.
The duration of each practice or the intensity of it are much less important. It is the consistency that will lead to greater results. Give yourself permission to do an easier practice at times, maybe even just sitting and breathing or meditating. Don't create any standards for a good practice, simply make the time and do a practice, that is what really matters, whatever you do in your practice is just the icing.
Some useful tips:
Choose regular days and time slots to do your practices according to your work-life schedule. Sticking to a regular practice routine, whatever it is, increases the chances of creating a sustainable practice.
If possible, do your practices in one space which you designated for that. Make sure it is uncluttered and clean, and also quiet. Creating some ambiance can be helpful, you can use a candle, incense, decoration of any kind, take a moment at the beginning and end of the practice to dedicate it or be grateful for something or someone.
Get good and sufficient sleep in regular hours. That will help with your energy and mental capacity to practice.
Eat food that you digest easily and that give you proper nourishment. Try to avoid food that makes your body dull and heavy, that interrupts your sleeping cycles, that leads to extreme drops of energy throughout the day.
Come to your practice with enthusiasm, curiosity, joy and with a sense of adventure and excitement for new discoveries of internal experiences, have a sense of courage moving forward, enjoy overcoming obstacles.
If you need more tools to help you with developing a daily yoga routine please contact me.
if you need any help, guidance, support or anything else, don't hesitate to reach out.
These videos are a labor of love and were prepared with the intention of sharing yoga with anyone who may benefit from it. If you wish to donate any amount of money you can do so here.
Enjoy your practice!